The Climate Crisis is Declaration of War Against Climate Change Deniers

Doug Lowe

Jan 12, 2020

Why are we in a climate crisis? It is a crisis and a catastrophe because we and our governments are not prepared to take the climate emergency action required to re-engineer our economies to defeat CLIMATE CHANGE now, or tomorrow or maybe by 2050 when it really will be too little too late.

They, the scientists, are telling us that even if we don’t build another coal fired power station, the world is STILL on target to warm by at least 3 degrees C. by the end of this century. And at the 3 degree C level, by the end of the century, coastal cities around the world will have to be abandoned which means 700 million people will lose their homes.
Do we need any more reasons to be terrified about the future for our civilization. Well I will give you more reasons… what about this?

Even at 1.5 degrees C which is where we are now, we are already seeing that the world, not just Australia, from the Arctic to the tropics is on fire. Hurricanes and typhoons are breaking records for size and destructive power. There is catastrophic flooding on an unprecedented scale.

But even small countries like Borneo are encouraging the destruction of their primeval forests together with hundreds of their animal species and replacing them with sterile palm oil plantations.
Not Only are the forests being destroyed but it is scientifically proven that forests generate rainfall. Destroy the forests and you create rainfall deserts.
So what does Brazil do? They chop down hundreds of square miles of the Amazon rain forest every year and these are the LUNGS and RAINMAKERS of the world. Instead of being CUSTODIANS of the planet’s precious resources, they and the likes of them defiantly take delight in destroying it.
AND what do the world’s governments do? They strongly insist on their right burn ever more fossil fuels. Every nation insists it has the right to destroy their bit of the planet and it is nobody else’s business.

WELL – SORRY – BUT IT IS OUR BUSINESS, IT IS MY BUSINESS, it is your business, and above all it is your children’s and your grandchildren’s business NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE on our small planet it is your business because it is OUR PLANET THAT WE ARE ALL ARE DESTROYING.

AND we CAN AND MUST do something about it. This is what we can do: We can declare war on the governments of the world. We can declare that this is the THIRD WORLD WAR against the destroyers of our planet.

Every politician who lamely claims that it will cost jobs and hurt the economy is guilty of climate war crimes. Their legacy will be destruction of our civilisation. AND that surely is treason.
And that is why we are already in the THIRD WORLD WAR, The war against the destruction of our civilization.

SO I ASK YOU: What do governments do when they are under an existential threat of extinction? Think of the SECOND WORLD WAR. WHAT DID THE British government do?
Well , they mobilised ALL of the resources of the country for the war effort. They re-engineered their industries to make them focus on the war. AND THEY SUCCEEDED. AND SO WE MUST.

They did not say mmm leave it to 30 years time. Why not? Because by then the British way of life would have been long extinguished JUST Like ours will be, if we don’t do it NOW.
They did it in 6 years. The British with the help of their Allies destroyed the enemy in 6 years. And using some of the world’s huge and wasteful military budget WE can do it again.
We can mobilise the nations of the world to win the climate war in 6 years. But to do that – to save our planet, we have to convert our global economy from a fossil fuel economy to an electrical / hydrogen economy and we must do it in 6 years to stop and then to reverse global warming.

If every country in the world diverts only 10% of military spending equal to $200 billion US dollars, will be enough money to build sufficient wind turbines in one year to provide enough green electricity to power every household in the USA

So how can we force governments to take this action NOW. There IS ONLY ONE answer and that is PEOPLE POWER
Governments, even dictatorships can only stay in power so long as allow them to. We can change their minds. We can change their minds by PEACEFULLY marching on every city and town centre and parliament building and by filling them with people ON THE FIRST DAY OF EVERY MONTH UNTIL THEY ARE DEFEATED. if we do it in our millions around the world together on the first day of every month, we shall win the climate war, the THIRD WORLD WAR.
Failure is not an option. Failure is the extinction of our civilisation

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