Daily Archives: December 10, 2014

Evolution Is A Lie From Hell! (Republican Rep. Paul Broun)

The Young Turks

Published on Oct 9, 2012
“Rep. Paul Broun, who serves on the House Science Committee, told a church-sponsored banquet in his home state of Georgia that the theories of evolution and the big bang are “lies straight from the pit of hell.” Broun has long been known as one of the most conservative members of Congress, and an outspoken conservative Christian. He wanted to declare 2010 “the year of the Bible,” points out NBC News…”.* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Daniel Politi / Slate: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slates…

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Rep. Paul Broun Says Evolution, Embryology, and Big Bang Theory are “Lies from the Pit of Hell”


Published on Oct 5, 2012

Rep. Paul Broun denies evolution, embryology, and the Big Bang Theory, saying that they are lies from the “pit of Hell”.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Bill Nye rebuffs politicians views on evolution


Published on Oct 14, 2012


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Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Europe’s transport network vulnerable to climate change — European Environment Agency (EEA)

EU-TransportTopics: Climate change Urban environment Transport
Disasters such as floods and storms have led to several high-profile disruptions of Europe’s transport network over the last few years. As the climate changes, the transport system urgently needs to adapt, according to a new assessment.

Image © EEA

Transport is vital to the smooth running of the economy. When movement of people, goods or services is hindered, the indirect costs to the economy can be many times higher than the direct cost of damaged transport infrastructure. Despite these risks, adapting the transport system to climate change has received relatively little attention from policymakers to date.

This message comes from ‘Adaptation of transport to climate change in Europe‘, a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA).

…(read more).

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Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

What is the EU doing? – European Commission

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Environment Justice

Eyes on Orion | Harvard Gazette

Astrophysicist looks beyond test flight to asteroids and Mars December 9, 2014 | Editor’s Pick PopularBy Alvin Powell, Harvard Staff Writer

On Friday, NASA successfully launched its next-generation spaceship farther than any astronaut has flown since the Apollo program of the 1960s. Though the Orion was unmanned during the test flight, which took it 15 times higher than the Space Station orbits, it is designed to eventually carry a human crew on missions to the moon, to near-Earth asteroids, and even to Mars.

Jonathan McDowell, a scientist with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, works on the Chandra X-ray Observatory and also publishes Jonathan’s Space Report, a Web newsletter that focuses on launches of all kinds, manned and unmanned. He answered questions from the Gazette on the test flight, the goals of the Orion effort, and the rationale behind mounting a mission to a near-Earth asteroid.

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Obama and Colbert on Keystone


Published on Dec 10, 2014

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Obama on Colbert on Keystone

with Peter Sinclair

December 10, 2014

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Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Cop 20: UN climate change conference | Lima

Latest news and comment on the UN climate change conference in Lima, Peru

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
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Lima climate talks: South American diplomats hopeful of progress on deal

Regional powers like Brazil and Peru see themselves as key facilitators for Paris deal, but critics say they should also take bold action on emissions domestically

A participant at Lima climate change conference COP20, Peru. Photograph: IISD

Jonathan Watts

South American diplomats expect to make progress towards a global climate deal at this week’s UN talks in Lima, despite growing criticism from NGOs that governments in the region are backtracking on pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment.

Senior officials from the host, Peru, and biggest regional emitter, Brazil, told the Guardian they aimed to help negotiators draw up a draft agreement specifying measures to prevent global warming reaching catastrophic levels.

The draft is expected be finalised and signed at at conference next year in Paris. It will be legally binding and applicable to all signatories, though levels of responsibility to reduce greenhouse gases will vary from nation to nation depending on their level of development.

Before that, however, a great deal of work has to be done at the UN conference of the parties (COP) in Lima, where Latin American countries will need to play an important role.

…(read more).

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
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