Daily Archives: November 28, 2014

Harvard and UCL students ramp up divestment campaigns

By Megan Darby

In Boston, students are taking to the courts. In London, they are resorting to blockades.

On both sides of the Atlantic, activists are ramping up calls on their universities to divest from fossil fuels.

University College London president Michael Arthur and colleagues yesterday had to climb over protesting students to get to a meeting.

Members of Fossil Free UCL were playing dead in the doorway, to send a message about the impact of burning fossil fuels on the climate.

Banners read “UCL stop killing our future” and “London’s global warming university”.

Second year politics and economics student Guin Carter described how Arthur asked security to “come remove this person” before stepping on her.

“If UCL management choose not only to invest in climate-killing fossil fuels but refuse to negotiate with those demanding change, how else do they expect us to communicate with them?”
UCL president Michael Arthur scrambles over protesters to get to a meeting (Pic: Fossil Free UCL)

UCL president Michael Arthur scrambles over protesters to get to a meeting
(Pic: Fossil Free UCL)

Explaining the physical nature of the confrontation, the campaign group accused management of closing off negotiations after months of discussion.

Pekka Piirainen, a recent UCL graduate, said: “Management’s position to our campaign is a list of empty promises in a hope that we’ll be kept quiet long enough for us to graduate and move on.

“That the campaign has expanded hugely since September shows that their cynical tactics aren’t going to work.”

A spokesperson for UCL said its Ethical Investment Review Committee is considering the campaigners’ demands.

“UCL is committed to an investment policy that is guided by ethical considerations,” the spokesperson said.

UCL has a policy not to invest in tobacco companies or Cobham, a military technology company, but has some £14 million of shares in fossil fuel companies.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Jon Stewart Thanks the Koch Bros for Advertising on The Daily Show

October 31, 2014

Regular viewers of The Daily Show may have noticed that Koch Industries has been running a series of treacly, feel-good commercials touting all the wonderful things the company does to make our lives better.

Jon Stewart certainly noticed. On Wednesday, he thanked the Koch brothers for their patronage as only he can — and even helped them out by recording a new, more honest voiceover for their ad.

…(read more).

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Conversations w/Great Minds – Richard Eskow – “Enough Is Enough” w/Wall Street Appointees

Published on Nov 28, 2014

Richard Eskow, Campaign for America’s Future & host of The Zero Hour joins Thom Hartmann.

Part 2

E120, e145,

Why Faster Melting Glaciers Should Worry You

E120, e130, e145,

How will plunging oil prices affect the economy?

E120, e130, e145,

Can a return to Buddhist values offer China a greener path?

E120, e130, e145,

The rise and fall of the American shopping mall


“I’m Scared For My Future”: Student Disrupts Speech By US Climate Envoy Todd Stern in Durban


Uploaded on Dec 8, 2011
DemocracyNow.org – Several prominent U.S. environmental groups have accused the Obama administration of obstructing negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference and have called for the United States to step aside and let other countries carry on with the talks. Earlier today, the top U.S. climate negotiator Todd Stern addressed the U.N. summit for the first time. But as he took the stage, Middlebury College student Abigail Borah interrupted the proceedings. “I am scared for my future,” Borah told Stern. “2020 is too late to wait. We need an urgent path to a fair, ambitious, and legally binding treaty. You must take responsibility to act now.” Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman later questioned Stern about Borah’s comments and accusations the United States is a major obstacle to progress at the climate talks.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Hundreds flee as volcano erupts on Cape Verde islands

euronews (in English)

Published on Nov 28, 2014

A volcano has erupted on the Cape Verde islands forcing hundreds of residents to flee their homes and the local airport to close.

It is the first time the volcano on the island of Fogo has erupted since 1995.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

The Long, Dark Shadows of Plutocracy

Moyers & Company

Published on Nov 28, 2014

From luxury skyscrapers — taller, more expensive and exclusive than ever before — the dark shadows of plutocracy are spreading across the commons of democracy. See features from this show: http://bit.ly/1vVW7is

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice