Daily Archives: November 27, 2014

BBC News – Brisbane storm: Huge clean-up in Queensland

27 November 2014 Last updated at 22:02 ET

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A huge clean-up operation is under way in the Australian city of Brisbane after a severe storm swept across south-east Queensland.

The storm produced hailstones the size of golf balls, causing widespread damage.

Up to 90,000 homes were without power as winds gusting at 140km/h (85mph) brought down trees and power lines.

Commuters were also stranded after rail services were suspended across Brisbane.

Transport Minister Scott Emerson estimated the cost of the damage at more than $A100m (£54m).

He said it was probably the worst storm Brisbane had seen in almost 30 years.

…(read more).

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

This is Not Cool: Murderers, Tyrants, and Madmen



Published on May 17, 2012

Recently, the Heartland Institute, a hotbed of Climate Contrarianism, posted a billboard near a Chicago freeway. The Billboard suggested that those who accept mainstream science in regard to climate change, are like Ted Kaczinsky, the Unabomber.
Heartland promised to follow up with similar billboards featuring Fidel Castro, Osama Bin Laden, and Charles Manson.
When a scathing barrage of internet protests and parodies went viral, Heartland was forced to withdraw the billboard, and post a defense on its website. Even then, they continued to maintain that “the most prominent advocates of global warming are not scientists, they are murderers, tyrants, and madmen.”

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Yes, Virginia, Sea Level Really is Rising


Published on Jul 9, 2012

Most Recent action on North Carolina Sea Level Planning document, June 29, 2012

PBS Need to Know on Norfolk Sea Level Rise

PBS interview with Benjamin Strauss

Seas level rising faster along US East Coast

Salt Marshes drowing along Chesapeake Bay

North Carolina outlaws Sea Level Rise

Virginia Lawmakers avoid the word “sea level rise”

Texas lawmakers dilute sea level science

NPR Science Friday on Coastal Impacts

Jerry Mitrovica of Harvard discusses some of the counter-intuitive details of sea level metrics.

Sea Level Hotspot N. Carolina

R Street Institute

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

A New Climate State: Arctic Sea Ice 2012


Published on Sep 23, 2012

A new video produced by independent videographer Peter Sinclair for The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media explains what expert scientists now find to be the lowest extent of Arctic sea ice in recorded history.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Sandy and the Age of Superstorms


Published on Nov 28, 2012

Has Hurricane Sandy inaugurated a new age of climate fueled superstorms?
Peter Sinclair interviews Hurricane Expert Dr. Kerry Emanuel of MIT, and Dr. Jason Box of the Byrd Polar Center.

Emanuel 2007, Environmental Factors Affecting Tropical Cyclone Power Dissipation

Judith Lean, Cycles and Trends in Solar Irradiance and Climate

Yes Men Visit Occupy Sandy in the Rockaways

MSNBC Sandy and Global Warming, Morning Joe Program

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Permafrost: The Tipping Time Bomb


Published on Feb 28, 2013

One of the most feared of climate change “feedbacks” is the potential release of greenhouse gases by melting arctic permafrost soils. New research indicates a critical threshold of that feedback effect could be closer than we once thought.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Greenland Ice Sheet: “Starting to Slip”


Published on Jul 29, 2013

Research scientists provide insights on recent ‘unprecedented’ melting of Greenland’s interior ice sheet.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

No Slowdown in Global Warming


Published on Sep 4, 2013

In recent months, a lively media conversation has taken place in regard to what the surface temperature record is telling us. Here, a group of leading Atmospheric and Ocean experts put the data in context.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Mann and Rahmstorf on IPCC 2013


Published on Nov 5, 2013

Climate scientists Michael Mann and Stefan Rahmstorf offer a concise description of key points made in the recently released IPCC Working Group I Fifth Assessment Report in a new video produced by Peter Sinclair.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Scientists’ Concerns Challenge Conservative Sea-Level Rise Projections


Published on Dec 5, 2013

The most sobering evidence of the planet’s response to greenhouse gases comes from the fossil record. New evidence scientists are collecting suggests that ice sheets may be more vulnerable than previously believed, which has huge implications for sea level rise.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice