Daily Archives: September 10, 2014

Join Divest Harvard for a screening of DISRUPTION

Join Divest Harvard for a screening of…
A new movie about the climate movement

WHEN: Thursday, September 11, 6 pm
WHERE: Friends Meeting House, 5 Longfellow Park (10 minute walk from campus)

Meet at 5:30 pm outside Widener Gate to walk there with Divest Harvard members!

Watch the trailer here:

Interested in learning about Divest Harvard? Fill out this form. Our introductory meeting will take place after the screening at 8 pm on the 11th in Quincy House Spindell Room.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Harvard faculty on climate change – Divest | Harvard Magazine


Divestment Dialogue

In late April and early May, Harvard Faculty for Divestment (proponents of shedding endowment investments in companies that produce fossil fuels) posted letters to President Drew Faust and members of the Harvard Corporation reiterating their support for divestment and calling for an open forum for community discussion of the issue.

In an e-mail dated July 10, posted on the faculty group’s website, William F. Lee, writing as the Corporation’s new senior fellow (as of the beginning of that month) and on behalf of the University’s senior governing board, responded to those earlier messages. In itself, his response was a notable example of engagement by a Corporation member, and perhaps a sign of greater interest in being involved in campus conversations (Lee works in Boston and lives in the nearby suburbs). As he briskly noted at the outset, “We fully support President Faust’s conclusion in her letters of October 2013 and April 2014 that the most responsible, effective, and institutionally appropriate way for Harvard to confront the challenge of climate change is to intensify our academic efforts in this important domain through both research and education, to continue Harvard’s aggressive efforts to reduce the University’s own carbon footprint, and to otherwise promote sustainability in the day-to-day activities of our community. Like President Faust, we do not support divestment, believing that engagement is preferable to withdrawal.”

That said, “None of us doubts the reality or the seriousness of the dangers posed by climate change,” Lee wrote. “Thoughtful people, however, hold divergent views about the right way for an institution like ours to confront climate change.” He continued, “All of us believe that Harvard—and the world—must make accelerated progress toward ending reliance on fossil fuels. In our judgment, engagement with energy-producing companies in shared research and development on both the improved efficiency of energy use and development of renewable sources of energy is more likely to achieve this aim than divesting ourselves of investments in fossil fuels and distancing us from the companies that produce them.”

…(read more).

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice
Harvard Divest

Alfredo Jaar, In the Factory

Indianapolis Museum of Art

Published on Oct 5, 2012

Alfredo Jaar, In the Factory

Alfredo Jaar, artist, architect and filmmaker, visits the Indianapolis Museum of Art to discuss his project for 100 Acres: The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park, his impressive artistic career and answer some of the usual Nugget Factory questions.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Global Africa: Alfredo Jaar


Uploaded on Sep 24, 2010

Chilean artist Alfredo Jaar considers art’s limitations to represent genocide, conflict, epidemics and famine. His artwork addresses the holocaust in Rwanda, toxic pollution in Nigeria, the disparity of the oil economy and extreme poverty in Angola, gold mining in Brazil and issues related to the border between the U.S. and Mexico. A conversation between Jaar and leading film scholar Manthia Diawara (New York University) follows.
(Recorded 09-09-2010)
Supported by Smithsonian Latino Center

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Alfredo Jaar: Gramsci & Pasolini | Art21 “Exclusive”


Uploaded on Sep 2, 2008

Episode #026: Alfredo Jaar in his installation “Infinite Cell” (2004) in Santiago, Chile, and various works.

Through installations, photographs, and community-based projects, Alfredo Jaar explores the public’s desensitization to images and the limitations of art to represent events such as genocides, epidemics, and famines. Jaar’s work bears witness to military conflicts, political corruption, and imbalances of power between industrialized and developing nations, often taking the form of an extended meditation or elegy.

Alfredo Jaar is featured in the Season 4 (2007) episode Protest of the Art:21—Art in the Twenty-First Century television series on PBS.

DISCUSS: What do you think about this video? Leave a comment!

Learn more about Alfredo Jaar: http://www.art21.org/artists/alfredo-…

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Focus on: Alfredo Jaar

Vogue Italia

Published on Nov 28, 2013

An interview with Alfredo Jaar, Chilean artist and intellectual. See more on Vogue.it http://www.vogue.it/en/people-are-tal…

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Segment: Henry Giroux on Zombie Politics

November 22, 2013

In his book, Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism, author and scholar Henry Giroux connects the dots to prove his theory that our current system is informed by a “machinery of social and civil death” that chills “any vestige of a robust democracy.”

This week on Moyers & Company, Giroux explains that such a machine turns “people who are basically so caught up with surviving that they become like the walking dead – they lose their sense of agency, they lose their homes, they lose their jobs.”

What’s more, Giroux points out, the system that creates this vacuum has little to do with expanding the meaning and the substance of democracy itself. Under “casino capitalism,” the goal is to get a quick return, taking advantage of a kind of logic in which the only thing that drives us is to put as much money as we can into a slot machine and hope we walk out with our wallets overflowing.

A cultural and social critic of tireless energy and vast interests, Giroux holds the Global TV Network Chair in the English and Cultural Studies Department at McMaster University and is a distinguished visiting professor at Reyerson University, both schools in Canada.

Producer: Gina Kim. Associate Producer: Reniqua Allen. Editor: Rob Kuhns.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Henry A. Giroux | Remembering Hiroshima in an Age of Neoliberal Barbarism

Wednesday, 10 September 2014 09:31 By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout)

Seventy years after the horror of Hiroshima, intellectuals negotiate a vastly changed cultural, political and moral geography. Pondering what Hiroshima means for American history and consciousness proves as fraught an intellectual exercise as taking up this critical issue in the years and decades that followed this staggering inhumanity, albeit for vastly different reasons. Now that we are living in a 24/7 screen culture hawking incessant apocalypse, how we understand Foucault’s pregnant observation that history is always a history of the present takes on a greater significance, especially in light of the fact that historical memory is not simply being rewritten but is disappearing. (1) Once an emancipatory pedagogical and political project predicated on the right to study, and engage the past critically,history has receded into a depoliticizing culture of consumerism, a wholesale attack on science, the glorification of military ideals, an embrace of the punishing state, and a nostalgic invocation of the greatest generation. Inscribed in insipid patriotic platitudes and decontextualized isolated facts, history under the reign of neoliberalism has been either cleansed of its most critical impulses and dangerous memories, or it has been reduced to a contrived narrative that sustains the fictions and ideologies of the rich and powerful. History has not only become a site of collective amnesia but has also been appropriated so as to transform “the past into a container full of colorful or colorless, appetizing or insipid bits, all floating with the same specific gravity.” (2) Consequently, what intellectuals now have to say about Hiroshima and history in general is not of the slightest interest to nine-tenths of the American population. While writers of fiction might find such a generalized, public indifference to their craft, freeing, even “inebriating” as Philip Roth has recently written, for the chroniclers of history it is a cry in the wilderness. (3)

The disimagination machine threatens democratic public life by devaluing social agency, historical memory and critical consciousness, and in doing so it creates the conditions for people to be ethically compromised and politically infantilized.

At same time the legacy of Hiroshima is present but grasped, as the existential anxieties and dread of nuclear annihilation that racked the early 1950s to a contemporary fundamentalist fatalism embodied in collective uncertainty, a predilection for apocalyptic violence, a political economy of disposability, and an expanding culture of cruelty that has fused with the entertainment industry. We’ve not produced a generation of war protestors or government agitators to be sure, but rather a generation of youth who no longer believe they have a future that will be any different from the present. (4) That such connections tying the past to the present are lost signal not merely the emergence of a disimagination machine that wages an assault on historical memory, civic literacy and civic agency. It also points to a historical shift in which the perpetual disappearance of that atomic moment signals a further deepening in our own national psychosis.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

The Atom and Eve


Uploaded on Feb 10, 2012

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Princeton study determines U.S. is no longer a democracy

by GJEP | September 10, 2014 · 1:50 PM

A study straight out of Princeton University found that the United States of America is no longer a democracy. The country’s government is not even a republic, as its constitution claims. According to the article, “New Princeton Study Concludes America is NOT a Democracy” by Brandon Walker on Mad World News, the government of the United States has become…

(drum roll please)

an oligarchy.


Photo: Mad World News

Now let’s all dust off our middle school textbooks for a brief history lesson. An oligarchy is a type of government where the power and rule rests in the hands of a small group of people.

So if Abraham Lincoln were to give his Gettysburg Address now, what would he say instead of “government of the people, by the people, for the people..?”

…(read more).

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice