Good Society Forum – Preventing a lost generation: Supporting vulnerable young people during COVID


Good Society Forum

Posted: Jun 4, 2020   Event:  3 June 2020

Millions of young people have seen their lives disrupted because of measures taken by Governments to protect their citizens against COVID-19. Many are not able to go to school, see their friends, or partake in examinations. Early research is already showing that even short absences from schooling will have a lasting impact on achievement. But what about young people across the world who are in vulnerable situations that required additional support before COVID? What additional measures are being taken to support our already marginalised groups of young people to prevent a further loss of a generation?

Today, we will hear from experts in South Asia, South Africa and the Middle East of the efforts underway to work with young people in different vulnerable contexts and how they have adapted to deal with COVID and whether longer-term opportunities exist.

Our panelists are:
– Joy Oliver: Co-founder of IkamvaYouth (South Africa)
– Joseph Elias: Senior director program management, Ahlan Simsim (Sesame Workshop)
– Mamoon Abdul Moktader: Senior Program Manager, Save the Children (Bangladesh)

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