Daily Archives: December 20, 2014

Chris Hedges on “Death of the Liberal Class and the Rise of the Corporate State” (2010)

E120, e130, e145,

Should Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & CIA Officials Be Tried for Torture? War Crimes Case Filed in Germany


Published on Dec 19, 2014

http://democracynow.org – A human rights group in Berlin, Germany, has filed a criminal complaint against the architects of the George W. Bush administration’s torture program. The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights has accused former Bush administration officials, including CIA Director George Tenet and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, of war crimes, and called for an immediate investigation by a German prosecutor. The move follows the release of a Senate report on CIA torture which includes the case of a German citizen, Khalid El-Masri, who was captured by CIA agents in 2004 due to mistaken identity and tortured at a secret prison in Afghanistan. So far, no one involved in the CIA torture program has been charged with a crime — except the whistleblower John Kiriakou, who exposed it. We speak to Michael Ratner, president emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights and chairman of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, and longtime defense attorney Martin Garbus.

Watch all Democracy Now! reports on the U.S. torture program over the past decade:

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

New York Says No to Fracking: State Bans Drilling Following Grassroots Outcry over Public Health


Published on Dec 19, 2014

http://democracynow.org – New York has become the first state in the nation with major natural gas deposits to ban the oil and gas extraction process of hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, citing potential risks to public health. Fracking involves blasting sand, water and toxic chemicals deep into shale rock to release oil and gas, a process which can poison water supplies and pollute the air. Following a two-year study, New York Acting Health Commissioner Howard Zucker said fracking was too risky. We speak to biologist, activist and author Sandra Steingraber, co-founder of New Yorkers Against Fracking. Also joining us is Cornell University professor Tony Ingraffea, president of Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy.

Watch all Democracy Now! coverage of fracking over the years in our archive:

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Sumatra Burning: The heart of palm oil (PART 1)

Coconuts TV

Published on Dec 16, 2014
We traveled to Palembang, Indonesia to film forest clearance fires for palm oil plantations that cause environmental, economic, political, and health problems throughout Southeast Asia.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Green Complexity – Science, Innovation and Society: An Introduction By Professor Carolyn Roberts


Published on Aug 11, 2014
Our newest Gresham Professor give a taste of the theme’s topics and ideas that she will be exploring in her lecture series for the academic year 2014-15.
Gresham College is delighted to welcome Professor Carolyn Roberts as our first Frank Jackson Professor of the Environment.

Carolyn Roberts is the first Frank Jackson Professor of the Environment at Gresham College. Information on her ongoing series of free public lectures is available here: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/green-comple…
More information on Professor Roberts can be found here: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/professors-a…

Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There are currently over 1,600 lectures free to access or download from the website.
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Ebola: Emergence, Epidemic and the Global Response – Professor Chris Whitty

E120, e130, e145,

Greenness in Business and the City – Professor Carolyn Roberts

E120, e130, e145,