Daily Archives: December 17, 2014

Extreme Realities | Journey to Planet Earth

Higher Definition:


Extreme Realities


In the wake of recent political conflicts and severe weather events, we ask these fundamental questions: (1) are we merely experiencing once in a hundred year weather events or are they early warning signals of a new normal; (2) have we already reached a tipping point pushing our planet towards an environmental cliff; and (3) are there ways to mitigate or adapt to these newly emerging threats?

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice



Uploaded on Feb 21, 2012

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Peak Moment Television

Peak Moment is a biweekly series about resilient, locally reliant living for these challenging times. Programs feature host Janaia Donaldson’s conversations and tours with guests responding to accelerating energy and resource decline, climate chaos, and economic uncertainty.

Sample topics include: local food production; simple living; renewables; transportation alternatives; sustainable building; intentional community; personal, economic, business, and governmental responses.

In our 2010 Pacific Northwest tour we taped 58 programs with 118 guests in 18 locales in five months. Next we want to tape across North America.

Be part of the Peak Moment network: get news and give input by subscribing to our monthly email newsletter at http://www.peakmoment.tv, right side. Read the latest newsletter there, too.

Read about the people we tape at Janaia’s journal at http://www.peakmoment.tv/journal.

New! Podcasts on iTunes! Episodes 144 onwards are available. Search “Peak Moment” or go to http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/peak-moment-tv/id41389674­7

Peak Moment TV Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Peak-Moment-TV/113511867700

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PeakMomentTV

Peak Moment TV gets support from friends and viewers like you. Contribute $1 a month or whatever your heart and pocketbook can do, at http://www.peakmoment.tv (top right). Thank you! You keep Peak Moment programs free and ad-free!

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Calm Before the Storm | Richard Heinberg

peakmoment, Uploaded on Jun 22, 2008

[A new version with better audio
is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgZ_Ua…
Peak Moment 115: Richard Heinberg, author of “Peak Everything”, reviews the accelerating events since mid-2007, including the credit crunch and fossil fuel price volatility, noting that we’ve missed most of the best opportunities to manage collapse. He asks, “how far down the staircase of complexity will our global civilization have to go until we’re sustainable?” His answer: when managed properly, with deliberate simplification, not as far as we might otherwise. In addition to long term efforts to relocalize our economies, he advocates developing community “resilience” to withstand short-term catastrophic events like food shortages or extreme weather. Noting that healthy fear can move us into action, he encourages an attitude of clarity, concern and informed action in this “calm before the storm” that he feels is soon coming to an end. [www.richardheinberg.com]

For a DVD of Richard’s presentation that evening for “Kiss Your Gas Goodbye”, go to www.peakmoment.tv. Janaia’s blog about this Conversation is at www.peakmoment.tv/journal/?p=52.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

Post Carbon Institute

Post-carbonFounded in 2003, Post Carbon Institute’s mission is to lead the transition to a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable world by providing individuals and communities with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated economic, energy, and ecological crises of the 21st century.

Post Carbon Institute is doing the most important work imaginable, and doing it well.

–Bill McKibben, Author, Founder of 350.org & PCI Felloww

We envision a world of resilient communities and re-localized economies that thrive within ecological bounds.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

New Economics Foundation

New Economics Foundation (NEF) is the UK’s leading think tank promoting social, economic and environmental justice. Our purpose is to bring about a Great Transition – to transform the economy so that it works for people and the planet.

The UK and most of the world’s economies are increasingly unsustainable, unfair and unstable. It is not even making us any happier – many of the richest countries in the world do not have the highest wellbeing.

From climate change to the financial crisis it is clear the current economic system is not fit for purpose. We need a Great Transition to a new economics that can deliver for people and the planet.

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice

New Economy Coalition | New Economy Coalition

The mission of the New Economy Coalition (NEC) is to convene and support all those who might contribute to an economy that is restorative to people, place, and planet, and that operates according to principles of democracy, justice and appropriate scale. Faced with interconnected ecological and economic crises, we believe that shared prosperity, sustainability and an equitable society require deep, systemic changes to both our economy and our politics. We support a just transition to a new economy that enables both thriving communities and ecological health.

Today, the majority of people are deprived of a voice in political and economic life. Fundamental flaws in the political economic system permit the concentration of resources and power, exacerbating inequality and destroying ecosystems. The beneficiaries of this system obstruct efforts to restore communities and livelihoods. These crises are poisoning our water, air, and land; creating climate chaos; and driving millions into disease and poverty.

The old models have not delivered. Something new is required.

…(read more).

Global Climate Change
Environment Ethics
Environment Justice