Daily Archives: February 13, 2013

Bard Center for Environmental Policy – National Climate Seminar


Join us the first and third Wednesday of each month at noon eastern to hear climate and clean energy specialists talk about the latest climate change issues. Assign these half-hour calls to your students for a chance to connect with top scientists, analysts and political leaders discuss climate and clean energy solutions.


E-mail your questions prior to each call: climate@bard.edu
All calls are available as podcasts, 24 hours after the event

Call-in number: 1-712-432-3100; Conference Code: 253385

Global Climate Change http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre130
Environmental Justice http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre145
Environment Ethics http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre120

Keystone XL Protesters Seized at White House

February 13, 2013, 3:20 pm5 Comments
By JOHN M. BRODER Responsible-Harvard

Getty Images Daryl Hannah was among those handcuffed and arrested on Wednesday in Lafayette Park in Washington during a protest against the Keystone XL pipeline project.

Four dozen environmental activists succeeded in getting themselves arrested outside the White House on Wednesday afternoon to draw attention to their demand that President Obama reject construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada.

Julian Bond, the civil rights leader; Daryl Hannah, the actress; Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club; Robert F. Kennedy Jr., president of the Waterkeeper Alliance; Bill McKibben, a longtime climate change campaigner; and James Hansen, a prominent climate scientist, were the celebrity faces of the arrestees, who zip-tied themselves to the White House fence and defied police orders to leave.

They and about 40 others were hauled away in police vans, charged with failure to disperse and obey lawful orders, and released on $100 bond each.

The Sierra Club, whose board authorized participation in acts of civil disobedience for the first time in the group’s 120-year history, organized the protest. Mr. Brune said that Mr. Obama had made forceful and eloquent statements about the need to address climate change, including remarks in Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, and now needed to stop the pipeline to signal his seriousness.

“It’s awfully difficult to reconcile a concerted attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the massive development of the dirtiest oil on the planet,” Mr. Brune said before his arrest.

As the protest was under way, Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute and Sean McGarvey president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. Building and Construction Trades Department, were on a conference call telling reporters that Mr. Obama should approve the pipeline. “It will create thousands of jobs, expand access to secure supplies of Canadian crude oil and represent an investment in America’s economy and energy future consistent with president’s vision in the State of the Union last night,” Mr. Gerard said.

He said that the petroleum lobby, unions and other pipeline supporters planned a nationwide campaign in favor of the project. Pipeline opponents, too, are preparing a number of other public protests, including one in Washington on Sunday.

Environmental advocates have mounted a number of actions calling on Mr. Obama to veto the 1,700-mile pipeline, which would carry heavy crude from oil sands formations in Alberta to refineries on the Gulf Coast. The project requires State Department approval because it crosses an international border; Mr. Obama has said that he will make the ultimate decision on whether it gets built.

The State Department is preparing a new environmental impact statement and has said it will be prepared to make a recommendation on the pipeline this spring. The White House has given no indication what Mr. Obama intends to do.

Mr. Bond, the former executive director of the N.A.A.C.P., dressed in an elegant camel-hair topcoat, said he had never spoken out against the Keystone project before Wednesday’s protest. “I’m joining this group of people because it’s the cause of the hour, or of the moment, at least,” he said.

He said that the N.A.A.C.P. had been involved in environmental causes for decades but would like to see the environmental movement become more diverse and more aggressive. “And I want it to win,” he said.

An earlier version of this post misstated Michael Brune’s position at the Sierra Club. He is executive director, not president.

Global Climate Change http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre130
Environmental Justice http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre145
Environment Ethics http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre120

The World Bank – Climate Change – A 4 Degree Warmer World – We must and can avoid it



Climate change is expected to hit developing countries the hardest. Its effects—higher temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, rising sea levels, and more frequent weather-related disasters—pose risks for agriculture, food, and water supplies. At stake are recent gains in the fight against poverty, hunger and disease, and the lives and livelihoods of billions of people in developing countries.

Tackling this immense challenge must involve both mitigation—to avoid the unmanageable—and adaptation—to manage the unavoidable—all while maintaining a focus on its social dimensions.


Addressing climate change requires unprecedented global cooperation across borders. The World Bank Group is helping support developing countries and contributing to a global solution, while tailoring our approach to the differing needs of developing country partners. We are strengthening and building climate change partnerships with our member governments and a wide array of organizations.

In 2005, the Group of Eight asked the World Bank to develop a plan for more investments in clean energy in the developing world, in cooperation with other international financial institutions. The resulting Clean Energy Investment Framework identified the scale of investment needed for countries to access energy, especially in Africa; to help their transition to a lower carbon development path; and to adapt to climate variability and change.

At the request of our Development Committee in 2007, the Bank Group embarked on a comprehensive strategy to help address climate challenges and launched extensive global consultations. The consultations concluded in September 2008. The resulting strategic framework on development and climate change takes a demand-based approach to identifying and tapping new business opportunities for developing countries and helping them cope with new risks.

We aim to support development successes while offsetting costs that stem from climate change through climate-dedicated finance. Our strategy also highlights the need for action and interaction among all countries for the greater global good. In developing countries, we are working to:

Global Climate Change http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre130
Environmental Justice http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre145
Environment Ethics http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre120
Food-Matters http://Food-Matters.TV

BBC News – Horsemeat scandal: EU urges DNA tests of processed beef

13 February 2013 Last updated at 17:27 ET

Health Commissioner Tonio Borg outlines plans for DNA tests on processed beef

Horsemeat scandal

The EU is urging members to conduct random tests to tackle a widening scandal over mislabelled horsemeat.

All members should carry out DNA tests on processed beef for traces of horsemeat for three months from 1 March, the health commissioner said.

Horsemeat should also be tested for the presence of the veterinary medicine phenylbutazone (“bute”), he added.

Tonio Borg was speaking after a meeting with ministers from the UK, France and other affected countries in Brussels.

“This is a Europe-wide issue that needs a Europe-wide solution,” Irish Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney said. ….(more)

Environmental Justice http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre145
Environment Ethics http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre120
Food-Matters http://Food-Matters.TV

Richard Muller: ‘Substantial Global Warming’


3/19/11: At a UC Berkeley lecture, Dr. Richard Muller describes how his BEST project to analyze temperature records is finding “substantial global warming.”


Global Climate Change http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre130
Environment Ethics http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre120

Bombshell 1: Climate science deniers claim to have full access to Berkeley temperature study work-product — and are now working with the Berkeley team!


By Joe Romm on Mar 22, 2011 at 8:06 pm

Bombshell 2: BEST’s Project Chair Richard Muller confirms ClimateProgress reporting, contradicts WattsUpWithThat

The key conclusions from Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) project have been made public by its project chair, Richard Muller. In a talk Saturday (near the end), Muller explained that BEST has been analyzing large quantities of data, they have started writing a draft report, and what he can say now is:

  • “We are seeing substantial global warming”
  • “None of the effects raised by the [skeptics] is going to have anything more than a marginal effect on the amount of global warming.”

None of that should be a surprise (except to a few deniers). If you listen to the entire video (which I don’t recommend without multiple head vises), it’s clear the Muller himself is a volcano of long-debunked denier talking points and misinformation (which I’ll re-debunk later). So when Muller says the data show “substantial global warming” and the effects raised by the skeptics are “marginal,” you know he’s not overstating things.

Now I hadn’t watched that video when climatologist Ken Caldeira emailed me essentially the same exact set of conclusions, which he asked me to post (see Exclusive: Berkeley temperature study results “confirm the reality of global warming and support in all essential respects the historical temperature analyses of the NOAA, NASA, and HadCRU”).

Again, I thought the conclusions were obvious, but I published his email in part because I wanted to smoke out the deniers. A number of climate scientists had told me they believed the deniers were working feverishly to change and/or spin the main results. What I didn’t know — what few people knew — was that the hard-core deniers in fact had unprecedented access to the BEST work-product. That gives the lie to BEST somehow being a transparent effort to work the data independently and restore “credibility” to the global temperature record, something the record didn’t actually need.

My post was far more successful than I ever imagined. The deniers — Steven Mosher and Anthony Watts — went ballistic, since they obviously thought they were going to be able to control how the final product was shaped and spun. As we’ll see, they publicly admitted some astonishing things that truly call into question the objectivity and transparency of BEST WORST [Worst “Objective” Reanalysis of Surface Temperatures]. ….(more).

Global Climate Change http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre130
Environment Ethics http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre120

Greater Boston – Sea Change?



Global Climate Change http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre130
Environmental Justice http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre145
Environment Ethics http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre120

Minding Nemo: Dr. Jeff Masters on Snowstorms and Climate Change

E130, e120,

Sen. Inhofe on Washington Journal

E130, e120

Open for Questions: The State of the Union and Energy and the Environment

E120, e130,