The Scientific Integrity Act

AE911Truth Jun 25, 2024
AE911Truth undertakes a bold initiative:

The Scientific Integrity Act

In its ruling last year on AE911Truth’s case against the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit decided that federal agencies are allowed to knowingly issue false scientific reports as long as they meet “statutory requirements.”
Their ruling also states that organizations like AE911Truth do not have standing to legally challenge such false reports.

In the United States, when the law doesn’t work on behalf of the people, it’s time for the people to change the law – or pass an entirely new one.

And that’s just what we’re doing with
the Scientific Integrity Act!

The Scientific Integrity Act is legislation that is currently being drafted that would require data, evidence, and findings in scientific reports issued by federal government agencies to be accurate and true.

It would also require these agencies to correct their reports when verifiable evidence refutes their conclusions. It would also grant U.S. citizens and groups like AE911Truth the standing they need to challenge false scientific reports in court by establishing that such reports impact all Americans.
In the coming days we will be sharing more details with you about the Act and how you can help us get this bold initiative started!

We have a long battle ahead of us, and we need your support to wage it.

To get the process started, we need
to raise $7,000 by July 8.

This money will help us as we work with a legal writer to produce the text of the act and to carry us forward in our outreach to Congress as the 9/11 anniversary approaches.

The Scientific Integrity Act is one of the most important initiatives we at AE911Truth have ever undertaken. It impacts not only the World Trade Center issue but all challenges to government science by the people of the United States.

We need your help to force the government to correct its false claims about the WTC evidence as we establish a precedent that can stop another “scientific” cover-up from taking place in our country.

See related:

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